Wednesday, September 2, 2009

fashion revival

If you guys are wondering if this is another

hangat hangat tahi ayam blog

or project right

You are so damn wrong..


It's not we don't want to update our blog

It's that the internet connection in our house is so so so dreaking slow..

I had to squeeze in time to blog during my ELACS class when we are doing research

I could only sometimes blog during lunch time in college..

YES!! Our house internet is SAD~


Don't mind the house slippers..

we could only snap pictures like 30 seconds before my sister drive off to church without us..

Spring is here!!


Sprinf dresses..

God, please make me a few inches taller

and a few pounds lighter..

p.s. I wanted to save and post the whole collection for Forever New dresses

but somehow the stupid internet thing doesn't allow me to "save image as"



1 comment:

  1. Ah! Mien Mien you updated :D
    What would I do w/o you! ♥

    Gosh I look uber fat lah! T_T
